About Dr. Nullman
Andrew E. Nullman M.D
Dr. Andrew Nullman is a Gastroenterologist, practicing in Miami since 1989
Dr. Nullman is the President of Venture Gastroenterology LLC and is committed to the practice of quality medicine. He repeatedly plays a crucial role in advocating for state and local policies which positively impacts the health and safety of patients as well as our communities.
His strong voice and leadership span the following organizations:
Dade County Medical Association
President (2015-2016)
President, Political Action Committee (2019-present)
Florida Medical Association
Health and Public Policy Reference Committee
City of Miami Beach
Member, Health Advisory Committee.
Tenet - North Shore Medical Center
Vice-Chair, Governing Board (2018-present)
Member, Governing Board (2015-2018)
Member, Medical Executive Committee (2009-2013)
Member, Medical Operations Committee (2009-2013)
President/Chief of Staff, Medical Staff (2004-2009)
Chief, Department of Gastroenterology (2001-present)
Chair, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Member, Credentials Committee and Medical Review Committee
Dr. Nullman is a graduate of an innovative combined B.S./M.D. Program, The Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education at The City College of New York. He then graduated from The State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine. Dr. Nullman postgraduate training included an Internal Medicine Residency at The Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, and a Gastroenterology Fellowship at New York University/New York VA Medical Center.